Serving all of Orange County, VA
Orange County Free Clinic
Community Based Health Care for Those in Need
Annual Golf Tournament...
Click on Event Page for Sponsor and Registration forms or call 540-672-3530
We are happy to announce our annual Tee Up For Healthcare Golf Tournament...Sunday October 13...Shotgun Start 9:00 A.M.
Hole in One Prize Sponsored by :
Our friends at Reynolds Chevrolet GMC Subaru
All proceeds support Clinic programs and services for uninsured, underinsured low income residents of Orange VA...We are your community based health care provider!! Please continue to support with a fun day of play and or Sponsorship to help make this a great day for all!! Sign up today...
Communtiy Health Worker: Helping with much more than medical needs! Our Certified Health Worker is trained in accessing needs and finding resources for various concerns such as help with job training and workshops, unemployment, food, other community resources and more!
This position is so critical to the care of patients that the VA Dept of Health funded the position for two years in 2021 so that OCFC and other Free Clinics in Virginia, could give patients access to this valuable service.
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Orange County Free Clinic earns a 2023 Gold rating from the NAFCC Quality Standards Program-
These standards allow us to showcase the quality care provided to our patients...and provides assurance to our community that gifts and donations are going to a qualified and well-oiled organization.
The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics formalized a set of "quality standards" for members! These standards include policies and procedures related tothe following areas: Administrative,Clinic/Pharmacy responsibilities,credentialing and privileging systems, patient Care, and risk management systems. For more information on the NAFC, please visit
Go to "Newsletters" to see our most current edition
Free Health Care for Orange County Residents
Orange County Free Clinic is dedicated to the belief that everyone should have equal access to health care services. We strive for equity in healthcare!
Clients must be residents of Orange County, medically uninsured and *under-insured and have incomes that meet household income levels at or below 300% of the federal poverty guidelines.
*Under-insured patients have insurance, but out of pocket healthcare costs and decuctibles exceed five percent of their annual income, creating a gap in services (doctor visits, prescriptions, diagnostic testing and specialists care).
OCFC is an important step in staying well and safe!
Still masking up if you are showing signs of Covid ...To keep safe and healthy, the Clinic continues to maintain safety standards above all else. Please call the Clinic, 540-672-0793 for an appointment!
Office Schedules are as follows:
Medical Appointments :
Please take note: We are NOT a COVID-19 TEST SITE for the general public. Please call the office for information and directions to the nearest public testing site. 540-672-0793